About me

Hi there,
My name is Jade. Born in Egypt, raised in Belgium.
As a child going to school we were expected to know what we would want to be later in life.
And as many had the idea of what they wanted to be, I never had a clue! I just had this vision of being happy and making other people happy in the process.
But I was told; that it’s not a career and I need to wake up and take things seriously. So I hopped from one job to the next for many years feeling unhappy and like I am missing my purpose.
Then 2020 came along and Belgium went in Lockdown! This is how my biggest blessing started! Being the introvert I am, I embraced the solitude and turned to art where I rediscovered my childhood dream. “Be happy and make other people happy”
I got my vision back that was pushed aside for so many years and this time I took action!
Each item I create, I create with love and excitement. Being able to share this love and positive energy with all of you makes me happy and adds sparkles to my life.
We all deserve to spoil ourselves with sparkles! I hope that my work will transfer those sparkles into your lives.
Thank you all for being part of my journey.
Much love,
“Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life.”
― John Lubbock